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Being smoke free – Stephen’s story

24 Jul 2023

Following a local check up with his GP, Stephen had been diagnosed with the start of Emphysema. He told us at the time it felt normal, but that he was becoming more breathless.

Hear how Stephen has remained smoke free for over six weeks, with the support of our Stop Smoking service.

“My motivation for joining was that I was getting more breathless and, even though it felt like the norm, it was in fact the start of Emphysema.

“I was ready and in the right frame of mind when I joined, and my goal was to stop smoking completely. As my partner is quitting too, the most helpful element of the sessions was not feeling like we were by ourselves, we were with other people in the same position and frame of mind.

“The biggest challenge was the first two weeks: I could have smoked, it was all I thought about, but that stopped, and by keeping busy and away from temptation, I overcame this with the support from the coaches and rest of the group. I was provided with patches, and an inhalator for extra support treatment.

"I found the service excellent and if asked I would recommend to others.

“It’s now been six weeks since I quit, my confidence has improved, I am more active and with the money I’ve saved, I’ve bought new decking and new paint brushes to paint it all. Me and my partner have gone for a few nice meals out too.

“To remain smoke free, I’ll be keeping in mind my health and finding things to keep me distracted and busy.

“I am positive we can do this long term!”